Mangroves, nature’s coastal guardians, protect communities from storms, tides, and erosion
while nurturing rich ecosystems. However, deforestation and pollution are driving their decline.
This installation transitions from thriving mangrove roots to barren soil symbolizing the slow,
devastating loss of these protective barriers.This spatial experience is a reflection on the fragility
of nature and a compelling call to action.
Team: Ishita Mahajan, Krrish Gupta, Priyanshi Gupta, Akarsh Bhatt
Mentors: Mudita Pasari, Tatsat Shah, Anusha Dha
About the collaborator:
The Design Village in Delhi is an educational ecosystem for discerning learners, built by
globally-acknowledged academicians and industry experts, offering a comprehensive and
future-oriented design education, that prepares leaders who design to transform the world.
Graduates of the design programmes at The Design Village find their place in the world in the
realms of socially driven causes, entrepreneurship, sustainability and technology to name a few.
The village is a metaphor for the design village both in its physicality and philosophy, and the
village educates designers the world actually needs and ones that the world didn’t know it
Campus Connect is an initiative by Conscious Collective and Architecture + Design.